管理番号 | 新品 :76163901 | 発売日 | 2024/08/26 | 定価 | 12,000円 | 型番 | 76163901 | ||
カテゴリ |
囲碁女流棋士 藤沢里菜先生の直筆サイン本になります。未読本です。コレクションとして大切に保管してきました。
藤沢里菜実戦集 女流四冠への軌跡 (囲碁人ブックス) 藤沢里菜/著
藤沢 里菜(ふじさわ りな、1998年9月18日 - )は、日本棋院東京本院所属の囲碁の棋士、七段。埼玉県出身[1]。藤沢秀行名誉棋聖門下[1]。女流本因坊7期、女流名人6期、女流立葵杯6期、扇興杯4回優勝など、多数のタイトル歴を持つ。第15回若鯉戦で、女流棋士史上初の男女混合公式棋戦優勝。第45期天元戦で、女流棋士史上初の七大タイトル本戦勝利。第48期天元戦で、女流棋士史上初の七大タイトル本戦ベスト8進出。藤沢秀行名誉棋聖は祖父・師匠、藤澤一就八段は父、藤沢朋斎九段は伯従父(秀行名誉棋聖の甥が朋斎九段)。
This book is autographed by Rina Fujisawa, a female Go player. It is unread book. I have kept it carefully as a collection.
It is autographed and signed by Rina Fujisawa at the time of 5-dan and written by Shidou.
I have enjoyed looking at it from time to time, but I have already enjoyed it enough, so I would like to pass it on to the next person.
I would be happy if someone who will take good care of it will pass it on to the next owner.
No claims, no returns.
Rina Fujisawa Jissen Collection: Trajectory to the Women"s Four Crowns (Gojin Books) Rina Fujisawa / Author
Release Date: 2022/05/16
Rina Fujisawa ( September 18, 1998 - ) is a Goplayer, 7-dan, affiliated with the Nihon Ki-in Tokyo Honin. She was born in Saitama Prefecture[1]. She is a student of Honorary KiseiHideyuki Fujisawa[1].
She has won many titles, including 7 Women"s Honinbo, 6 Women"s Meijin, 6 Women"s Tachiaoi Cup, and 4 Senko Cup championships. At the 15th Wakagoi-sen, she won the first official mixed-gender Women"s Go tournament in the history of Women"s Go players. In the 45th Tengen-sen, she won the main tournament of the seven major titles for the first time in the history of Women"s Go players. In the 48th Tengen-sen, she advanced to the last 8 of the main tournament of the 7 major titles for the first time in the history of Women"s Go players.
Hideyuki FujisawaHonorary Kisei is his grandfather and master, Kazunari Fujisawa 8dan is his father, and Housai Fujisawa 9dan is his uncle (Hideyuki Honorary Kisei"s nephew Housai 9dan).